A Comprehensive Study of Load Balancing Architectures in Cloud Computing





Load balancing, Cloud computing, Cloud-native solution, Software load balancing, Hardware load balancing, Scalability, IoT


Load Balancing is the process of effectively dividing incoming network traffic among several backend servers. Essentially, there are three types in load balancing; software, hardware and cloud-native. In order to disperse network and application traffic, a hardware load balancer uses actual hardware that is located on the premises. There are two types of software load balancers: open-source and commercial. Both require installation before use. In contrast to software load balancers, a virtual load balancer (also known as cloud-native load balancer) installs a hardware load balancing device's software on a virtual machine. The main challenge is the need to compare their performance across diverse network environments while considering factors such as scalability, cost-effectiveness, and adaptability to dynamic workloads. In our work we have proposed a comparative analysis of cloud load balancing that will help the research community to select appropriate cloud load balancing according to the applications. Software, hardware, and cloud-based each has its own advantages and limitations. Our results demonstrate that software load balancers offer flexibility and ease of deployment, hardware load balancers often provide high performance and dedicated hardware resources, while cloud-based load balancers offer scalability and integration with cloud services. Furthermore the "best" type varies depending on factors such as the scale of the network, budget constraints, performance requirements, and the specific needs of the application or service being load balanced.

Author Biographies

  • Malvika Narsipuram, School of Computer Engineering, KIIT Deemed to Be University, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha, India.

    Undergraduate student at KIIT University.

  • Ananya Rai, School of Computer Engineering, KIIT Deemed to Be University, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha, India.

    Undergraduate student at KIIT University.

  • Astha Tiwari, School of Computer Engineering, KIIT Deemed to Be University, Bhubaneswar-751024, Odisha, India.

    Undergraduate student at KIIT university


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How to Cite

Narsipuram, M. ., Rai, A., & Tiwari, A. . (2024). A Comprehensive Study of Load Balancing Architectures in Cloud Computing. Smart Internet of Things, 1(2), 115-127. https://doi.org/10.22105/siot.v1i2.36

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