Critical Analysis on Challenges and Strategies of Load balancing in Hybrid Cloud
Hybrid Cloud, Cloud Computing, Scalability, Performance optimization, Dynamic workload, virtualization, Auto ScalingAbstract
Cloud computing has changed how organizations handle their IT, with many now using hybrid clouds that mix private and public cloud resources. This shift has led to big changes in how IT is managed. Hybrid clouds, which blend private and public cloud resources, are now very common among businesses. In these setups, load balancing is crucial for spreading tasks across different cloud services effectively. This helps use resources better and make systems work more efficiently. This research paper explores the challenges and strategies related to load balancing in hybrid cloud environments. This paper investigates these challenges and offers strategies to overcome them, aiming to provide insights for effectively managing workloads across diverse cloud infrastructures. Here we show, how organizations continue to adopt hybrid cloud environments, therefore load balancing remains a crucial aspect of managing workloads across diverse cloud infrastructures. Understanding the challenges and intricacies involved in load balancing can aid organizations in optimizing resource utilization and enhancing overall system efficiency in their hybrid cloud deployments.
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