Hybrid Machine Learning Models for IoT Security





Hybrid machine learning, IoT security, Anomaly detection, Threat classification, Zero-day attacks, Traffic analysis, Real-time detection


The swift growth of the Internet of Things (IoT) brings forth considerable security challenges due to the variety of connected devices and their limited resources. Conventional security strategies are unable to keep pace with evolving cyber threats, rendering the IoT ecosystem susceptible to attacks. This paper introduces a hybrid machine-learning framework aimed at enhancing IoT security. Our method merges supervised and unsupervised techniques to detect both known and unknown (zero-day) threats. This hybrid framework utilizes fuzzy detection along with classification algorithms to recognize malicious activities while reducing false positives. We assess the performance of the model using publicly available IoT datasets and compare it to other  Machine Learning (ML) models. The findings reveal notable improvements in precision, accuracy, recall, and response time. These results suggest that the hybrid model establishes a more robust basis for safeguarding the IoT environment against threats.


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How to Cite

Sahu *, N. R. . (2024). Hybrid Machine Learning Models for IoT Security. Smart Internet of Things, 1(3), 198-202. https://doi.org/10.22105/siot.v1i3.271

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